LB: I moved all my projects except Leiningen off github a couple years ago, and now I'm looking into moving that as well. a read-only mirror will probably remain on github for a few years to ease the transition, but I'm looking at @codeberg as the new home for my last remaining github-hosted project once I can get the CI setup switched over.
if you've looked at moving off github in the past and ended up extremely unimpressed by the janky ui and bugs of gitlab, i don't blame you. but please give and other gitea sites a second look; they are head and shoulders above gitlab in usability and stability.
@technomancy i'm curious about the vibe of an actual shared gitea instance. a solo one has been nice enough, but aside from linking people to my published code there's not *that* much utility in a code forge no one else is using...
@technomancy (this is why i keep hoping for federation in gitea, but at any rate i maybe should give things like codeberg a look.)